Rescue for Midwest Vizsla Rescue is cyclical... Dogs come in and go out.
They recover, move on to their families, pass on and we grieve with each of their families.
They recover, move on to their families, pass on and we grieve with each of their families.

From Senator last year:
So there you have it. That's a lot of dogs this year. Please help them if you can. These are good folks , trying to do a good thing. It's not for me - I'm doing fine. It's for the Vizslas like me - who through no fault of their own find themselves homeless and in a bad situation. I hope I'm the spokesdog for 2016, but you know, I'm getting up there in years and may not be the one telling their story next year. But unfortunately there are always more like me. Either way, our stories will "get told" - Midwest Vizsla Rescue will make it happen. We matter and they care. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Love, The Senator.
With tears, I must tell you that Senator did not make it to this year. But he has handed the torch to another great rescue who promises to carry on in Senator Otis's pawsteps.
And so it goes on.....
To date in 2016 we have taken in 18 dogs:
Zeke, Buddy, Dini, Juno, Shannon, Daffy, Bugs, Duke, Ophelia, Bella, Baylee, Trip, Ginger, Izzy, Willy, Nessa, Devo and Winston. Four were heartworm positive, Three were seniors over 7yo. One was a Cocker Spaniel (don't ask...). Two found their way to us through the death of their owners. The highest paid out on a dog this year was $1300 (HW pos and complications with injection site post treatment). We have great fosters: John Markham, Barb Blaylock, Tony Simcic, Linda Pickett, Jim Bowen, Meghan Tallman, Jessica Provost and others in our region who step up when needed. We make a great team, but couldn't do it without your help! All donations are tax deductible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Veezles of Vizslaville
Ads: We run our monthly ads in the Kansas City Star. They are a great way to educate folks about our breed. If you'd like to sponsor an ad - they run $32 per month and can be paid through check or Paypal.
In-kind needs: Blankets, collars, leads, harnesses, wire crates, treats, food etc...
Donations of general support: Checks can be mailed to MVR PO BOX 366 Emporia, Kansas 66801 or you can donate via Paypal on our website under How You Can Help
Giftcards: to Target or WalMart are always needed (Not all of us are close to PetSmart).
SPECIAL THANKS - Year end reminds us of those who are there for us in so many ways. We appreciate the shelters and owners who take the time to find us. We thank you, our adopters and supporters for your continued belief in our program. We thank our own families who allow (put up with) us to take time away from our own dogs and transport, foster and rehab rescues who have nowhere else to go. Even during the holidays. But most of all we thank our OWN Vizslas who share us with our rescues. They know these dogs need help and go above and beyond "when duty calls".
Please join our Facebook page if you haven't already - Midwest Vizsla Rescue - we post there frequently. ( We hold mini fundraisers there as well as keep you updated on what happens throughout the year.
Best wishes to you and your red ones in the coming New Year!
Midwest Vizsla Rescue Team
Checking in with us through the year:
So there you have it. That's a lot of dogs this year. Please help them if you can. These are good folks , trying to do a good thing. It's not for me - I'm doing fine. It's for the Vizslas like me - who through no fault of their own find themselves homeless and in a bad situation. I hope I'm the spokesdog for 2016, but you know, I'm getting up there in years and may not be the one telling their story next year. But unfortunately there are always more like me. Either way, our stories will "get told" - Midwest Vizsla Rescue will make it happen. We matter and they care. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Love, The Senator.
With tears, I must tell you that Senator did not make it to this year. But he has handed the torch to another great rescue who promises to carry on in Senator Otis's pawsteps.
And so it goes on.....
To date in 2016 we have taken in 18 dogs:
Zeke, Buddy, Dini, Juno, Shannon, Daffy, Bugs, Duke, Ophelia, Bella, Baylee, Trip, Ginger, Izzy, Willy, Nessa, Devo and Winston. Four were heartworm positive, Three were seniors over 7yo. One was a Cocker Spaniel (don't ask...). Two found their way to us through the death of their owners. The highest paid out on a dog this year was $1300 (HW pos and complications with injection site post treatment). We have great fosters: John Markham, Barb Blaylock, Tony Simcic, Linda Pickett, Jim Bowen, Meghan Tallman, Jessica Provost and others in our region who step up when needed. We make a great team, but couldn't do it without your help! All donations are tax deductible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The Veezles of Vizslaville
Ads: We run our monthly ads in the Kansas City Star. They are a great way to educate folks about our breed. If you'd like to sponsor an ad - they run $32 per month and can be paid through check or Paypal.
In-kind needs: Blankets, collars, leads, harnesses, wire crates, treats, food etc...
Donations of general support: Checks can be mailed to MVR PO BOX 366 Emporia, Kansas 66801 or you can donate via Paypal on our website under How You Can Help
Giftcards: to Target or WalMart are always needed (Not all of us are close to PetSmart).
SPECIAL THANKS - Year end reminds us of those who are there for us in so many ways. We appreciate the shelters and owners who take the time to find us. We thank you, our adopters and supporters for your continued belief in our program. We thank our own families who allow (put up with) us to take time away from our own dogs and transport, foster and rehab rescues who have nowhere else to go. Even during the holidays. But most of all we thank our OWN Vizslas who share us with our rescues. They know these dogs need help and go above and beyond "when duty calls".
Please join our Facebook page if you haven't already - Midwest Vizsla Rescue - we post there frequently. ( We hold mini fundraisers there as well as keep you updated on what happens throughout the year.
Best wishes to you and your red ones in the coming New Year!
Midwest Vizsla Rescue Team
Checking in with us through the year:
Squirt and Berton
Here is a photo and update of Squirt and Berton with Melinda from the mountains here in NM. Squirt is doing well considering his age. He is hard of hearing now and moves pretty slowly, however he seems to be very happy, always sitting with his paws crossed with a smile on his face.
Berton is doing well too, although he really misses his buddy Vizzy who we had to say goodbye to on Jul 9 due to a serious disease with his liver and spleen. We still cannot believe that Vizzy has moved onto the Rainbow Bridge. He was the leader of the pack.
Little Squirt is not doing so well. Last night he started to fall over when walking and walking a circle. He may have had a stroke, or I am really hoping he is just sore from two walks yesterday.
Squirt is in good spirits, resting at home with us. He can barely walk though. We have Squirt on Rimadyl. As you know he is getting up there in years. We have watched him really enjoy his later years though and this is a rather sudden turn. Hopefully a temporary one. I know there will come a day... and that is a good reminder to love him as much as possible now.
He is doing better today. It is the classic arthritic hip in old dogs that make it hard for him to get up, coupled with wrist issues in the front. Tomorrow I take him to our vet who is going to use a "laser" treatment she has had good luck with on the joints of older dogs. (do you have any experience with this type of treatment?).
He seemed to be a lot happier today. We are trading off staying home with Squirt to help him get up. As you know is he is a real trooper. Once he does get up and takes a few steps he starts running around :-).
Thanks for checking in and I will keep you posted
He is trying to catch a roadrunner in the backyard this morning .... beep beep!
The laser treatment must be working, we have really seen a huge improvement. Squirt smiles pretty big while he "runs" on his daily hikes
Here is a photo and update of Squirt and Berton with Melinda from the mountains here in NM. Squirt is doing well considering his age. He is hard of hearing now and moves pretty slowly, however he seems to be very happy, always sitting with his paws crossed with a smile on his face.
Berton is doing well too, although he really misses his buddy Vizzy who we had to say goodbye to on Jul 9 due to a serious disease with his liver and spleen. We still cannot believe that Vizzy has moved onto the Rainbow Bridge. He was the leader of the pack.
Little Squirt is not doing so well. Last night he started to fall over when walking and walking a circle. He may have had a stroke, or I am really hoping he is just sore from two walks yesterday.
Squirt is in good spirits, resting at home with us. He can barely walk though. We have Squirt on Rimadyl. As you know he is getting up there in years. We have watched him really enjoy his later years though and this is a rather sudden turn. Hopefully a temporary one. I know there will come a day... and that is a good reminder to love him as much as possible now.
He is doing better today. It is the classic arthritic hip in old dogs that make it hard for him to get up, coupled with wrist issues in the front. Tomorrow I take him to our vet who is going to use a "laser" treatment she has had good luck with on the joints of older dogs. (do you have any experience with this type of treatment?).
He seemed to be a lot happier today. We are trading off staying home with Squirt to help him get up. As you know is he is a real trooper. Once he does get up and takes a few steps he starts running around :-).
Thanks for checking in and I will keep you posted
He is trying to catch a roadrunner in the backyard this morning .... beep beep!
The laser treatment must be working, we have really seen a huge improvement. Squirt smiles pretty big while he "runs" on his daily hikes
Well, we have had Bruno 3 years now and he is 5-1/2. He has matured into a very sweet, loving, gentle dog. He lost most of the spooky attributes he once had. Holding at 56-57 lbs he looks great! Still walking 2-4 miles a day off leash. He holds much closer and stays on the trial more these days. Starting to get a little bit of gray under his chin. :-)) We love him dearly!
Well, we have had Bruno 3 years now and he is 5-1/2. He has matured into a very sweet, loving, gentle dog. He lost most of the spooky attributes he once had. Holding at 56-57 lbs he looks great! Still walking 2-4 miles a day off leash. He holds much closer and stays on the trial more these days. Starting to get a little bit of gray under his chin. :-)) We love him dearly!
Murphy is doing great! And Piper is still with us- at age 14. She is still going strong, and Murphy loves her best of all creatures on this planet. I think she really loves him, too:) We are back in MN now, and I have a work from home job, so the pups enjoy laying in the sunshine all day while I work. Great to hear from you!
Murphy is doing great! And Piper is still with us- at age 14. She is still going strong, and Murphy loves her best of all creatures on this planet. I think she really loves him, too:) We are back in MN now, and I have a work from home job, so the pups enjoy laying in the sunshine all day while I work. Great to hear from you!
Buddy is pretty happy. He is still bonded w. my neighbors. Better w. me. He always knows where I am at and will come and find me. Ray and Buddy are very much alike and go for long walks twice a day. This is a very doggy neighborhood and everybody knows Buddy and he has made friends w. several neighbors and yesterday approached another neighbor - which is huge for him. Rita, Ray’s wife, Sofia and I walk part of the way w. them then come home. She is 15. Buddy’s coat is in great shape and he is healthy looking. He still thinks he is a puppy and jumped off the retaining wall last week and wrenched his shoulder. Aspirin for a few days and good as new. He has his toys and sleeps w. them, greets Ray at the door every morning w. a different toy. We are worried about what Buddy will do when Sofia is no longer with us. But told you that last time. Celebrated Buddy’s birthday in Feb. cake and ice-cream and a new toy.
My friend John and Buddy get along well. One thing we are noticing is that when he is in the back yard, he always watches the back door. I am always out there or somebody is. If whoever heads toward the door Buddy beats them. He does not want to be left alone. He likes his walks and knows his way home.
Buddy is pretty happy. He is still bonded w. my neighbors. Better w. me. He always knows where I am at and will come and find me. Ray and Buddy are very much alike and go for long walks twice a day. This is a very doggy neighborhood and everybody knows Buddy and he has made friends w. several neighbors and yesterday approached another neighbor - which is huge for him. Rita, Ray’s wife, Sofia and I walk part of the way w. them then come home. She is 15. Buddy’s coat is in great shape and he is healthy looking. He still thinks he is a puppy and jumped off the retaining wall last week and wrenched his shoulder. Aspirin for a few days and good as new. He has his toys and sleeps w. them, greets Ray at the door every morning w. a different toy. We are worried about what Buddy will do when Sofia is no longer with us. But told you that last time. Celebrated Buddy’s birthday in Feb. cake and ice-cream and a new toy.
My friend John and Buddy get along well. One thing we are noticing is that when he is in the back yard, he always watches the back door. I am always out there or somebody is. If whoever heads toward the door Buddy beats them. He does not want to be left alone. He likes his walks and knows his way home.
Our Rufus just keeps getting better every day and he keeps getting more handsome. He’s over 13 years old and hiked over 300 miles this past summer mostly at high altitude. What a champ. I thank you daily for bringing the two of us together. Also, he has still not had a bad day in 13 years. Who among us can say that?
Our Rufus just keeps getting better every day and he keeps getting more handsome. He’s over 13 years old and hiked over 300 miles this past summer mostly at high altitude. What a champ. I thank you daily for bringing the two of us together. Also, he has still not had a bad day in 13 years. Who among us can say that?
HUNTER: Meghan, this is Rip Rutkowski--Had "Kansas" as my first Vizsla then adopted "Hunter" about 11 yrs ago. Well, he and I are growing old together and he is my best bud. He started getting those fat globules but 1 looked strange and growing fast. I had it removed and it proved to be near the size of a tennis ball. All is well, but the Doc gave me some Pain pills and I was just not going to give Hunter some narcotics. Story here, but here's my tip. Doc & I felt it was cancer--no testing, but felt pretty sure because of rapid growth. My thought was to give him Natural stuff to fight any possibility of cancer. I eat eggs--he eats eggs/meat (High Protein)Big tip is BONE MARROW SOUP/BROTH. THIS INCREASED IMMUNE SYSTEM AND HE SEEMS LIKE MORE ENERGY AND A PUPPY AGAIN AT 11 YRS. Now he has about an 8 inch scar but I feel I have increased his lifetime a couple of years. Big tip to try Bone broth for dogs--all natural. I bought bones with marrow at HyVee and threw them in a crock pot, filled with water. That's it. He is family. We may not hunt, but we go fishing together and everywhere else. He allows me to drive him around and stay in the same house with him. Rip
PAPI: Happy as can be. Sweet dog we love him. We were thinking of getting another dog so he has a pal, and also it would help us when he ages. We check your site all the time. He goes for walks on the beach every weekend, one hour in the morning and long walks after work in the park on trails that he runs on. He loves carrots. Hugs back - and we think of you often and are thankful for your work. Stuart and Michael
PAPI: Happy as can be. Sweet dog we love him. We were thinking of getting another dog so he has a pal, and also it would help us when he ages. We check your site all the time. He goes for walks on the beach every weekend, one hour in the morning and long walks after work in the park on trails that he runs on. He loves carrots. Hugs back - and we think of you often and are thankful for your work. Stuart and Michael

Formerly Izzy, she is now living the good life in
St. Louis, Mo.
Formerly Izzy, she is now living the good life in
St. Louis, Mo.
SCARLETT (formerly Juno) with her little boy watching tv and her little girl froggin ...
Then some went on to the Rainbow Bridge without us.....
BRYCE: I love the Vizsla breed, my fur buddy was my companion and therapy buddy. He was with me for 10 years and on June 28, he started having signs of an illness. After two weeks of staying with his Vet, I was told to take him to the Missouri University Veterinary Hospital. On July 15, 2016, I took him to the hospital and was told that he had an aggressive cancer throughout his lymph nodes and he had a collapsed area in his intestines. I was told he was very ill and surgery was not an option for him per the Vet at MU Veterinary Hospital. So with a broken heart and unconditional love I had to let him go to the Rainbow Bridge. I miss him so very much and I am so full of grief and have cried everyday, my loss is endless. I had the Best Dog and he was my everything, Bryce gave me so much love, wonderful memories and he is missed greatly.
Thank you
Our New Spokesdog - Topo
The good Senator has passed the title of Midwest Vizsla Rescue Spokesdog onto Topo. He has been our poster pup as you can see (left) but feels he has some big paw pads to fill (right).
A Word From Topo:
If you all knew how hard this Midwest Vizsla Rescue Team worked, you would say - are they nuts?
Please - write a check, offer to help transport, foster, adopt. These are some of the best folks you are ever gonna come across. My brothers and I were SO LUCKY when they took us on. I couldn't even stand up - and look at me now! We are a 501c-3 - so donations are tax deductible. If you go to our How You Can Help page on our website you can donate via Paypal monthly or immediately. Our heartworm positive dogs are fine now, but very expensive to treat. Then they feed us, vet us, buy toys, blankets (usually at thrift shops) and chew/treats for us. This group networks with other rescues to buy in bulk, write grants - they are good stewards of our donations. So think of the 18 this year and those that are sure to come in afterward. Vizslas like me need Midwest Vizsla Rescue and we need you!
A Word From Topo:
If you all knew how hard this Midwest Vizsla Rescue Team worked, you would say - are they nuts?
Please - write a check, offer to help transport, foster, adopt. These are some of the best folks you are ever gonna come across. My brothers and I were SO LUCKY when they took us on. I couldn't even stand up - and look at me now! We are a 501c-3 - so donations are tax deductible. If you go to our How You Can Help page on our website you can donate via Paypal monthly or immediately. Our heartworm positive dogs are fine now, but very expensive to treat. Then they feed us, vet us, buy toys, blankets (usually at thrift shops) and chew/treats for us. This group networks with other rescues to buy in bulk, write grants - they are good stewards of our donations. So think of the 18 this year and those that are sure to come in afterward. Vizslas like me need Midwest Vizsla Rescue and we need you!