Have you heard what Midwest Vizsla Rescue has been up to this year?
My name is Senator. That’s me on the left. I was lost, and discovered on a dock, shivering. Yep, believe it or not, Midwest Vizsla Rescue folks came down to the Lake of the Ozarks to pick me up. I was old, cold, wet and scared. Look at me now! I have a fabulous family and couldn’t be any happier!!!
But this is not about me…. This is about all the rescues of 2015 and updates from good folks like yourselves who let them know how we are doing. They want to share with you our year! Make yourself comfortable and read a bit….
My name is Senator. That’s me on the left. I was lost, and discovered on a dock, shivering. Yep, believe it or not, Midwest Vizsla Rescue folks came down to the Lake of the Ozarks to pick me up. I was old, cold, wet and scared. Look at me now! I have a fabulous family and couldn’t be any happier!!!
But this is not about me…. This is about all the rescues of 2015 and updates from good folks like yourselves who let them know how we are doing. They want to share with you our year! Make yourself comfortable and read a bit….

This is Lacey and Dasher Hovi. They are having a ball together in Ohio. They came into rescue separately but were fostered by Jeff down in Tulsa. Lacey went to live with Hovi's first, and then thought she needed a pal. Might as well be her running buddy Dasher, who Jeff was also fostering. They are doing GREAT!

Topo lives with our MVR Co-Chair - Barb Blaylock. We never thought he'd grow to normal size (see the Five Brothers film on our website www.midwestvizslarescue.org) It was debatable he was even going to make it. And NOW look at him! His name comes from the old Ed Sullivan mouse character Topo Gigio.

Chloe is great. We had our vet bring her vaccinations up to date and chip inserted in early December 2014. At that time she weighed 39 pounds. I estimate she now weighs around 50 pounds and has grown longer and taller with beautiful conformation. She has managed to chew the arms of two antique chairs and suffers from separation anxiety when we kennel her for short periods. I have twice had to reinforce her kennel with cable ties. We should have renamed her Shadow as she follows me everywhere, even when I mowed the yard this week. She is a loving dog and enjoys love and attention and especially looks forward to the feeding ritual.
Here are pictures today on her one year anniversary. We brought her to her forever home on 22 Nov 2014. She has brought so much joy into our lives, thank you for your help. Jessica feels she needs a little brother. Bill & Jessica
Here are pictures today on her one year anniversary. We brought her to her forever home on 22 Nov 2014. She has brought so much joy into our lives, thank you for your help. Jessica feels she needs a little brother. Bill & Jessica

And then there is Dallas and Marcia Finch from St. Louis. FABULOUS supporters and owners of several Midwest Vizsla Rescue dogs!!!!!

Annie Bayles has the life of leisure in her family RV. While recovering from Valley Fever, she is lounging on the sofa... I think she needs another pillow or two! She lives in Tuscon with Gerry and Penny Bales but travels extensively with them.
This is Mac -
Our daughter received a second head injury in October right before we got Mac (who was to be her running partner). It was pretty severe and was topped off by a huge natural gas explosion in our town that rocked our house.and our daughter's head took another hit. So with that, we've been on a whole new path - no proms or graduations for us. I was worried about having a Vizsla given that we went from people who run every day to people who visited doctors and hospitals every day. I could not have been more wrong. He has been such a gift to our daughter and an inspiration for her return to running. Funny how the universe just works things out. He is patient and loving when she's in pain. They are best friends. We live on an acre and a half with lots of critters he can chase and a pool. He was a reluctant swimmer for a whole summer and then one day at the dog park someone threw a stick (as we had so many times previously) and another dog went to get it and PRESTO! He became Micheal Phelps! From then on, he swims at the dog park and in our pool and loves the water! He's been so good for all of us and we've tried to be a great home for him! He's not been able to kick separation anxiety, as we've read with so many Vizslas, so we just take him with - everywhere and anywhere we can! We've gone through quite a number of dog beds on the occasions when we absolutely couldn't bring him along... oh, and one Blackberry, brand new - yummy!! :)
He is a happy guy and we feel truly blessed to have him as a family member. He weighs 68 lbs now, but is still lean as can be - just a very big Vizsla. He was only 18 months when we got him (although we thought he was older), so he still had some growing to do. He gets lots of attention for being "gorgeous" at the dog park and everywhere we go, but many are surprised at his size! Thank you, Meghan and Barb, for choosing us for Mac. We couldn't love him any more than we do! Thank you Pilots & Paws for getting him to us and for letting me ride along, We are grateful to you all. Mac is the best thing our daughter has going right now - he's her friend, training partner, shoulder to cry on and clown that makes her laugh. We are so grateful to you all! With love, Lisa, Quinna & Mac
Our daughter received a second head injury in October right before we got Mac (who was to be her running partner). It was pretty severe and was topped off by a huge natural gas explosion in our town that rocked our house.and our daughter's head took another hit. So with that, we've been on a whole new path - no proms or graduations for us. I was worried about having a Vizsla given that we went from people who run every day to people who visited doctors and hospitals every day. I could not have been more wrong. He has been such a gift to our daughter and an inspiration for her return to running. Funny how the universe just works things out. He is patient and loving when she's in pain. They are best friends. We live on an acre and a half with lots of critters he can chase and a pool. He was a reluctant swimmer for a whole summer and then one day at the dog park someone threw a stick (as we had so many times previously) and another dog went to get it and PRESTO! He became Micheal Phelps! From then on, he swims at the dog park and in our pool and loves the water! He's been so good for all of us and we've tried to be a great home for him! He's not been able to kick separation anxiety, as we've read with so many Vizslas, so we just take him with - everywhere and anywhere we can! We've gone through quite a number of dog beds on the occasions when we absolutely couldn't bring him along... oh, and one Blackberry, brand new - yummy!! :)
He is a happy guy and we feel truly blessed to have him as a family member. He weighs 68 lbs now, but is still lean as can be - just a very big Vizsla. He was only 18 months when we got him (although we thought he was older), so he still had some growing to do. He gets lots of attention for being "gorgeous" at the dog park and everywhere we go, but many are surprised at his size! Thank you, Meghan and Barb, for choosing us for Mac. We couldn't love him any more than we do! Thank you Pilots & Paws for getting him to us and for letting me ride along, We are grateful to you all. Mac is the best thing our daughter has going right now - he's her friend, training partner, shoulder to cry on and clown that makes her laugh. We are so grateful to you all! With love, Lisa, Quinna & Mac

Josie is a sweetpea that is now in Lawrence, Kansas with her folks - the Rogers!!!!!
Ace Bates has now hit double digits and is living well in Edmonton, Oklahoma!

Daisy came from a Kansas commercial breeder. She is used to the comfy life now! Daisy belongs to Mea down in Tulsa. Such a little love. She is sunning with her buddy George.
How Do We Say Goodbye.....
Pudge Dean - Owned and loved by Sherry and Alan Dean.. We still miss him so much and as a result of his passing, our home has gotten very quiet, with much of the happiness he brought gone.. It’s hard to sometimes appreciate what a beloved pet brings but that is something that should never be taken for granted. I sense he still visits us sometimes, probably to make sure we are ok, which he so good about – making sure everyone else was ok…. Thanks for getting him to us when you did – he was a wonderful boy!!
Maggie Hall - Owned and Loved by Allen Hall All was great until almost three years ago when my wife was suddenly diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of liver cancer resulting in Joyce's death on 2 March 2012. During Joyce's chemo and radiation and during hospice (10 days) Maggie was such a source of peace and comfort for us. She was always best cuddled in besides Joyce or I and following Joyce's death she was my "rock." Maggie was euthanized in my arms and I know she went straight into Joyce's arms on the other side. I thought this would be easier to write after the passage of some time, but it wasn't. Thank you so much for connecting Maggie and Joyce and I for that period of time. I've been telling friends, "I'm between dogs, now."
Rusty Foust - Owned and loved by the Foust family. We adopted Red (changed to Rusty) about 5 years ago from John and the club. We unfortunately lost Rusty last month to cancer (he was only 7) and our family is heartbroken. Rusty because so much a part of our family and was always willing to please, go for a run with us or snuggle. He was a great family dog and we miss him.

Bertie Tsui Owned and loved by KittyTsui. Bertie was such a special soul. it is w/ great regreat to tell you that Bertie died tonight.Tears ....... Run strong, run free, my beloved. I will love you forever & then beyond.
Katie Nelson - Owned and loved by the Nelson Family. Katie was most famous for how long she could walk around the Nelson backyard on her hind legs to show the birds who was boss! She was fast and quite the huntress but was a love bug when inside. Rest in peace Katie. You are missed.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This year 32 Vizslas came through our program: Abby, Belle, Moki, Chance, Codi, Cooper, Copper, Mack, Dasher, Devo, Dixie, Fancy, Flash, Ginger, Harley, Kane, Lacey, Lady, Lily, Nessa, Oklahoma Joe, Avery, Oliver, Ricoh, Ruby, Shiloh, Sosa, Taffee, Teddy, Tully, Wendy and Winston.
Of those - 8 were senior dogs (over 7yo) and of those - half were in double digits! As one might expect, with all these seniors, we had extraordinary medical bills this year. Oklahoma Joe came in non weight bearing due to horrific arthritis. He and Avery had gastrointestinal issues when they came in. Others just needed a good "workup" before we adopted out so we knew there were no issues to worry the new owners and if there are, we want to fully disclose. We have a female on her way in next week with possible kidney stones. At times we have an outside behaviorist consult with us. We don't have enough fosters, so we have had to board more dogs this year than in years past until room opens up.
We were able to help 5 of them via direct placement from the owner (mix or no room available) but were able to help with 3 mix pups this year. One came in and back out - family missed him too much so happy ending. One transferred to another group due to lack of fosters and they had possible applicants. The others were direct adoptions with 3 still available. We do not adopt out over the holidays but will pick back up January 4th.
We still run our ads in the Kansas City Star. They are a great way to educate folks about our breed. If you'd like to sponsor an ad - they run $29 per month and can be paid through check or Paypal.
In-kind needs: Blankets, collars, leads, harnesses, wire crates
Donations of general support - Checks can be mailed to MVR PO BOX 366 Emporia, Kansas 66801 or you can donate via Paypal on our website under How You Can Help http://midwestvizslarescue.org/how-you-can-help.html
Giftcards to Target or WalMart are always needed (always near our homes where we might not be close to PetSmart).
Year end reminds us of those who are there for us in so many ways. We appreciate the shelters and owners who take the time to find us. We thank you, our adopters and supporters for your continued belief in our program. We thank our families who allow (put up with) us to take time away from our own dogs and them to transport, foster and rehab rescues who have nowhere else to go. But most of all we thank our OWN Vizslas who share us with the rescues. They know these dogs need help and go above and beyond "when duty calls".
Please join our Facebook page if you haven't already - Midwest Vizsla Rescue (https://www.facebook.com/MidwestVizslaRescue/?ref=hl). We hold mini fundraisers on there as well as keep you updated on what happens throughout the year.
Best wishes to you and your red ones in the coming New Year!
Meghan Barb John Kelli Tamara Kimberly
This year 32 Vizslas came through our program: Abby, Belle, Moki, Chance, Codi, Cooper, Copper, Mack, Dasher, Devo, Dixie, Fancy, Flash, Ginger, Harley, Kane, Lacey, Lady, Lily, Nessa, Oklahoma Joe, Avery, Oliver, Ricoh, Ruby, Shiloh, Sosa, Taffee, Teddy, Tully, Wendy and Winston.
Of those - 8 were senior dogs (over 7yo) and of those - half were in double digits! As one might expect, with all these seniors, we had extraordinary medical bills this year. Oklahoma Joe came in non weight bearing due to horrific arthritis. He and Avery had gastrointestinal issues when they came in. Others just needed a good "workup" before we adopted out so we knew there were no issues to worry the new owners and if there are, we want to fully disclose. We have a female on her way in next week with possible kidney stones. At times we have an outside behaviorist consult with us. We don't have enough fosters, so we have had to board more dogs this year than in years past until room opens up.
We were able to help 5 of them via direct placement from the owner (mix or no room available) but were able to help with 3 mix pups this year. One came in and back out - family missed him too much so happy ending. One transferred to another group due to lack of fosters and they had possible applicants. The others were direct adoptions with 3 still available. We do not adopt out over the holidays but will pick back up January 4th.
We still run our ads in the Kansas City Star. They are a great way to educate folks about our breed. If you'd like to sponsor an ad - they run $29 per month and can be paid through check or Paypal.
In-kind needs: Blankets, collars, leads, harnesses, wire crates
Donations of general support - Checks can be mailed to MVR PO BOX 366 Emporia, Kansas 66801 or you can donate via Paypal on our website under How You Can Help http://midwestvizslarescue.org/how-you-can-help.html
Giftcards to Target or WalMart are always needed (always near our homes where we might not be close to PetSmart).
Year end reminds us of those who are there for us in so many ways. We appreciate the shelters and owners who take the time to find us. We thank you, our adopters and supporters for your continued belief in our program. We thank our families who allow (put up with) us to take time away from our own dogs and them to transport, foster and rehab rescues who have nowhere else to go. But most of all we thank our OWN Vizslas who share us with the rescues. They know these dogs need help and go above and beyond "when duty calls".
Please join our Facebook page if you haven't already - Midwest Vizsla Rescue (https://www.facebook.com/MidwestVizslaRescue/?ref=hl). We hold mini fundraisers on there as well as keep you updated on what happens throughout the year.
Best wishes to you and your red ones in the coming New Year!
Meghan Barb John Kelli Tamara Kimberly
So there you have it. That's a lot of dogs this year. Please help them if you can. These are good folks , trying to do a good thing. It's not for me - I'm doing fine. It's for the Vizslas like me - who through no fault of their own find themselves homeless and in a bad situation. I hope I'm the spokesdog for 2016, but you know, I'm getting up there in years and may not be the one telling their story next year. But unfortunately there are always more like me. Either way, our stories will "get told" - Midwest Vizsla Rescue will make it happen. We matter and they care. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Love, The Senator.